AWS is one of the most extensively used public cloud services with a majority market share in the cloud space.

Used by many corporates and start-ups, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering Compute, Storage, Database, Networking, and Content Delivery, Developer and Management tools, Analytics, Security, Identity and Compliance, Business Productivity, Workspace Services, AI, IoT and more.

Microsoft Azure

Azure is a public cloud computing platform from Microsoft with solutions including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) that can be used for services such as Virtual Computing, Storage, Networking, Databases and Warehousing, Analytics, AI, IoT, Productivity and Work Space Services, DevOps, and much more.

Available across 58 Azure Regions and 140 Countries, Azure is the second widely used Public cloud service.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean (DO) concentrates on three key points, simplicity, pricing, and high-performance virtual servers.
They thrive on providing developers an easy and quick way to set up affordable Linux instances (covering most of the modern Linux distros). DO’s pricing is the most affordable among all well-known public cloud providers. DO also has no charges against services like IP, traffic density, etc. DO majorly thrives on IAAS services and has comparatively fewer product/component offerings compared to providers like AWS and Microsoft.


Netmagic which is predominantly known for Co-hosting Data Centre Services also provides cloud services. Services provided are majorly geared towards IAAS and It provides both public cloud and private cloud services. If hosting Virtual machines at relatively lower costs is the requirement, Netmagic can be a platform to look at, however, it does not provide any PAAS or SAAS services that many other public cloud providers do.